Visiting Professor of Operations & Project Management
Prof. Hamdy Alwany is a Visiting Professor at Alexandria University, AUC, AUB, SSM, EL-Fateh University, and Prince Abd Allah University.
Prof. Hamdy is a Member of Project Management Institute PMI, “Egyptian-Japanese University of Science and Technology” (E-JUST) University Council, the Arab Society for Management science, Cairo, and the managing board and cultural affairs director. He is also founder member of Alexandria Operations Research and Scientific Management Society, the Operations Research Society of America [ORSA], Senior Member in the Institute of Industrial Engineering [IIE], USA, and Senior Member in The Society of Manufacturing Engineering, and registered professional engineer [PE], USA.
Prof. Hamdy provides lectures in various disciplines to undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Some of those courses are in Supply Chain, Operations Management, Material Requirement Planning (MRP), Inventory Control Organization Design, Total Quality Management, Re-engineering, Project management, Concurrent Engineering, Feasibility Studies, Information Systems, Computer Programming, Applications and Software, Management Information Systems, Information Systems and Knowledge base, Operations Research, Industrial engineering, Project Planning, Feasibility Studies, and Engineering Economy. In SSM Cairo, Prof. Hamdy provides Master Classes and courses in Operations Management, Project Managements, TQM and others.
He published six books in the field of operations management and project management. He is an associate partner, advisor and member of managing board of “M & A Technology” Dallas, Texas, USA.
Prof. Hamdy supervised more than 80 M.Sc. and Ph.D.’s in the fields of Industrial Engineering, Organization restructuring, Operations Research, Total Quality Management, Expert Systems, Computer Applications, Applied Operations Research, Maintenance, Human Factors, and Project Management.
Prof. Hamdy is a Consultant for Portland Cement Company, Industrial and Agricultural Bank, Alexandria Port Authority, Pallets Manufacturers and many others.
Prof. Hamdy holds a B.Sc. Production Engineering with Honors in 1966, a M.Sc. Production Economics in 1968, and a Ph.D. Industrial Engineering in 1971 from Alexandria University.